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Modern World History

Units of Study: Compelling & Supporting Questions

I.  Power, Authority & Governance​

-What is the relationship between the evolution of Communism & its historical documentation?

-What motivates people to question the authority of government?


II.  Nationalism & Sovereignty  

-How does Imperialism influence economic interests & foreign policy?

-What level of resistance existed in imperial governments & how does this change over time?

-How did the quests for independence affect the region & alter regional identity?


III.  Diversity, Human Rights & Social Justice

-Why do individuals & groups resort to terrorism?

-What accounts for the frequent human rights violations in the modern world?

-To what extent is the international community responsible for the protection of human rights?


IV.  Science, Technology & Society

-What is modernization and globalization? Are they connected?

-How has the advancement in communication technology made the world more sensitive to global issues?

-What role did individuals & technology play as events of the Arab Spring unfolded?



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